My name is Paul McDonald. I adopted Hurley from you back in 2012. He was a pup from Copper and Fancy, and was born on February 17th, 2012. I'm very sad to say that he just passed away last Sunday of old age (13!). He has left a big void in my heart as he has been by my side for most of my adult life.
Growing up, I had always wanted a golden retriever. I saw them as the perfect companion and family dog. They just seemed to be the happiest and smartest dogs. Once I had my own home and yard, I was ready to get one! A coworker of mine had recommended you. So I got on the waiting list and finally, I was able to get my golden!
When I took Hurley home as an 8 week old pup, we immediately began training together. He was so fun to train and so smart! Instead of "shake" I taught him "pound it" to give knuckles! He was so good, I had to actually teach him how to bark! His personality and obedience were simply amazing. He was a lover of fetching, hiking and swimming. Hurley listened so well, we never used a leash unless we were walking in the city. He even waited for permission to chase squirrels or rabbits.
Hurley was there for my wedding and the birth of both of my daughters. He lived with us in the Denver metro area, then a small farm in Keenesburg for 4 years, in the mountains of Westcliffe for 2 and then finally in Palm Coast, Florida for the last 2. He always watched over our girls, our chickens at the farm and our home. The times he couldn't go with us on a trip, my parents or neighbors loved watching him. He filled our lives with so much love. So much I didn't realize until he was gone.
I wanted to thank you and your organization for providing my life with so much love. The smart and healthy dogs you breed are a blessing to many and it has made my life better. May God bless you as you continue to breed these wonderful dogs.
with gratitude,
Paul (& Hurley)”
We adopted a puppy from the Ruger/Katie litter born September 2018. We named him Teton. He has proven to have a real talent for nose work. He obtained his ORT title through NACSW earlier this year. On September 17, I entered him in a NW 1 trial in Loveland, Colorado. I was hoping to just get some trial experience. Teton had other plans. He not only got his NW1 trial, he won first place over all. The judges were all impressed by the level of his drive and focus when searching. He has also proven to be an excellent swimmer and would love dock diving, but I am unable to locate reliable places for him to train. Teton looks a lot like Ruger and is an incredible hiking, camping and companion dog.
Just thought you would like to know how your progeny are doing!
All the best,
Trudi Michel and Richard Zimmerman”
“Hi Lee Ann,
I am not sure if you remember me since it was so long ago but back in 2002, I got my dog Taffy(born September 23, 2002) from you. I was going through chemotherapy and my uncle told me he would buy me anything I wanted if I continued my treatment. I of course said I wanted a puppy. So my family and I just came to “look”. Well, I ended up falling in love with Taffy when he was two weeks old. Before he was able to come home with us, you let me come visit him if I was feeling well. I just want to thank you for the most amazing gift I could ever have asked for. I always credit Taffy for saving my life, which he did time after time. He was the greatest joy and most loving companion I could have asked for. He truly was one of a kind. In May 2018, I had to put Taffy down. I in no way thought I would have as many years with him as I did. This goes to show how wonderful the dogs are that you breed. I was planning a “sweet 16th” birthday for Taffy but unfortunately had to put him down 4 months before that could happen. He was the most love and most loving (to most people) dog I could have dreamed of. Thank you so much for bringing him into my life and helping give me motivation to continue fighting when I wanted to give up. Thank you for giving me the best gift and best friend I could have.
Callie Bolieau”
”Here are some pictures of you want to see him growing up.
First meeting/fell in love with him:”
“Hi Lee Ann
It's been awhile since I sent an update on Gracie (Biscuit/Amos litter, July1, '18) Attached are a few pics:
1. this weekend she got to meet Santa (doesn't she look impressed - ha!)
2.Last night she graduated from puppy school! She starts adult class level 1 in January.
3. She has more toys than any dog I know, but here she is with one of her favorites
4. Her latest trend is holding as many toys in her mouth as she can (which right now is 3 tops, but she's working on on more!)
Generally speaking, she is the best dog we could ask for! Hikes with us once a week and love it. Enjoys her daily walks and visits to the dog park. Has been going once a week to Camp Bow Wow to play and get used to being away from mom and dad once in a while. Loves to snuggle and give and get kisses. And likes to show off all the tricks she's learned (as long as treats are involved, of course!) She survived teething no problem and really has only been getting in trouble in the back yard cause she like to dig (and dig and dig). Not chasing the kitty has been a work in progress too. But otherwise she is perfect! She is now 36 pounds and has lots of curly hair on her back side and her tail (gets that from Amos!) We constantly get compliments on her beautiful color!
Hope you are well and wishing you and your family and all your dogs a very Happy holiday!
Bridgid and Mike”
“Hi Lee Ann,
I hope all is well in Colorado!
Ruger is a chip off the old block, so I thought I'd share the progress I have made with Ruger (Remi x Striker pup) over the last 6 months. Ruger earned his UH title on 3/20/2016, HR on 6/18/2016 and his HRCH on 9/17/2016. I trained him myself with the assistance of my local Retriever Club, so not bad for a first time Hunt Test Handler and a 2.75 year old dog. After I finished grad school, I was able to really focus on Ruger's training and enter him into some hunt tests.
Next summer we will start him on his Master Hunter title and see how that goes, but in the mean time we're looking forward to doing some duck and pheasant hunting this fall. What we really train for anyways. Last fall Ruger and I only lost one cripple out duck hunting, otherwise he picked up all the downed birds, I think the best measure of a dog is not the birds they pick up, but the number of birds they don''t.
I am really glad we found Hunters Gold Strike!
“Dear Lee Ann and Dave
I thought I’d let you know how little 0291 is doing. She is now Caley; we pronounce it Kay-Lee. She of course passed her Vet visit last week with flying colors. The Vet and staff were very impressed with her and the care she received prior to Michele and I receiving her.
She has shown herself to be a well-bred, socialized and confident puppy. When she plays she of course mouths as all puppies do. But, after two weeks, none of us has even the smallest mark on us. She has perfect bite inhibition. While carefully supervising her, we introduced her to our six-month old grandniece. Caley was so gentle, only lightly licking her fingers and toes. Caley stays close by Michele and I at home. But, in a room full of strange people, not at our home, she was confident enough to greet each person calmly without jumping or getting stressed.
Caley is smart and looks to please Michele and I. She already knows Sit, Down and is now working on Leave It, she takes her daily walks on a leash nicely. This week we begin working with an in home Obedience trainer. They also have Puppy Socialization classes where Caley can go meet puppies, people and play. We selected this organization because they are very strict about proof of absolutely up to date shots for all participants and look over the pups when they arrive for signs of illness. Our vet said this should be OK. Caley has already gained two pounds and can no longer walk under the stretchers of our kitchen chairs, something she could easily do before.
Most importantly, Caley is simply a wonderful addition to our family and is bringing us great joy. She is bringing happiness and excitement to our elderly parents in ways we had not expected. What a success this little pup already is.
Dave and Michele Orrino
P.S. Don’t let all the talk about training worry you. We don’t expect more of Caley than a puppy can give. All our expectations of her are age appropriate. Rest assured, our little bundle of joy keeps this household on its toes. ;-)”
Banjo X Amos pup born 1/8/16
“H Hunter's Gold Stike Love Over Gold,CAA, RN,CGC
Anita sent these pictures on Lani who received the Advance Coursing Title on January 22, 2012. She is back at it again that Lani, earning more titles. When she wins her title, Lani goes up to retrieve her own ribbons from the judge. I guess she is a born retriever!!”
Marg X Kopper Litter 2009
“Hi everyone this is my home don't worry about me. Snowing hard and I have an igloo. Feb is here and we will soon be on the hunt test trail again....I am already getting ready. I wish my girl friend would get back here. Juno has been gone so long......Puppy love I guess.
I love the snow and boss throws it up in the air and I try and catch it. That new little dog--Casey is fun to run with and we even went goose hunting but I had to lay under the cover so those geese couldn't see me...I do roll my eyes up though to see them. That is exciting when 200 geese are right above us... Can't write much as I need to go play in the snow some more ----don't worry the boss doesn't make me stay out here.
Hope all is well and your having a great 2012
Fiona X Ace Litter
“Attached are two pictures of Kopper, Jr. with his ribbons from passing the four Seasoned Tests this past spring.
As a side note: I had OFA certification on his hips and elbows. His hips were evaluated as excellent and his elbows were normal.
That was really no surprise.
He is really a great dog.
Brandy X Kopper 2009 Litter
“In October 2011 Lani earned the CA title from AKC. She is really doing great!”
“Hi Lee Ann,
Thought I'd send you a little update on Leo. He had his first vet visit yesterday and all is well. They said you guys did a great job and were really impressed with his information folder. He is behavior is still great. He is such a fast learner. He already knows sit, lie down, roll-over, and stay. He is kenneling great and hasn't had a single accident. He holds his bladder for up to 6 hours before he lets you know that he needs to go out. He is really amazing. I've attached a few pictures.
Thanks again,
Lorrie and family”
Fiona X Kopper 2011 litter
Sedona at 8 Weeks and at 6 Months
Xander at 8 Weeks and at 6 Months
“Hi Lee Ann,
Just wanted to send you an update on our two fantastic dogs from the Fancy x Kopper breeding, and a few photos. I can't say enough good things about these dogs and we are very impressed with the results we're seeing so far. First, both of our dogs were house-trained by 12 weeks, which most people find hard to believe. From my perspective I believe this has much to do with the pedigree, as we have owned dogs our entire life and have seen many variations. These dogs are very easy to train, are quick to learn, and very willing to please.
Xander, the male, is probably the most affectionate dog you could possibly own. He is completely content to sit in your lap for hours, which at 6 months and 40+ lbs makes for a very large "lap" dog. I'm sure this part of his personality will never change, and that is fine because we love it. His retrieving skills are coming on strong, and his knowledge of the basic skills are solid (sit, down, here/come, stay, etc). I can't wait to get him out in the field this fall.
Sedona, the female, is equally as sharp and doesn't "play second fiddle" to her brother. She can hold her own! I'm very amazed at her ability to use her nose and her sense of smell. She can find just about anything I hide just by using her nose. I'm expecting her to be a fireball on pheasants and upland game. This fall is going to be FUN! She also LOVES the snow. I have a hard time getting her to come in out of the cold.
Here are a couple of photos from when they were little (8 wks) and now at 6 months. Feel free to share if others want to see what Fancy x Kopper pups look like.
Mark and Angie”
Fancy X Kopper litter 2011
”Lee Ann,
Just a quick note abut Lucy and Hunter, they are doing great and love to hunt as you can see, My son is older now and we split up a little and Hunter goes with Alexander and Lucy stays with me. Killed lots of Ducks and they get them all. Pheasant hunting is a blast with these two as well, at the end of the day they eat, drink, lay down and move until morning and ready to go first thing. Everyone we hunt with just love the dogs there ability, and how well they do traveling and in the hotel.
Thanks for everything Craig and Alexander Stewart 01/26/12
Hunter is a Katie X Ace pup of 2008 litter
Lucy is a Katie X Ace pup of 2009 litter”
“Took Kopper on aGoose \ Duck hunt this weekend and he did great!
He had never been Goose hunting before. It took him a few geese to get use to the extra large body of a goose, but he figured it out pretty quick. He sure saved me a lot of walking. There were a lot of geese that flew off anywhere from 100 to 200 yards before they fell. He got every one of them. About half of the retrieves were in open fields, but the other half were in flooded areas with 1 to 3 feet of water and high grass. I thought he might get tired out running through all that water, but he held up good.
Brandy X Kopper litter 2009
“Thought I would share a few pics with you. We went out sunday afternoon and shot a limit of ducks at a friend's house, and Vixen retrieved them all. One set was a double, male and female widgeonm.
Remi X Striker litter 2009
Here's a recent picture of Amber. She is all grown up, very healthy, full of energy. We spoil her too much. She is a beloved pet now, but my hubby plans to bring her to do some hunting soon.
Remi X Striker pup 2011 litter (our Nelli's sister)”
“Lee Ann,
Hello from Colorado Springs! Just wanted to give you an update on Gunner, from Fancy & Kopper’s litter. Attached is a photo taken earlier in the week from his first pheasant hunt (in eastern Colorado). He’s also been duck & goose hunting in Nebraska, but that was a couple months ago, so at only 3 months old, he was merely along for the experience for that one.
Take Care & Happy 2012!
Geoff & Jen”
Fancy X Kopper litter 2011
“Lee Ann,
Thought you would like to see Jay on his 1st birthday. He is getting really big; which we think is great! The family really enjoys having him. He loves walks and car rides!
Elizabeth (Sheena's friend in VA)”
“Look at our beautiful girl! Almost a year, she's the BEST dog! Sweet, smart and gentle!
Thank you so much for being such a wonderful breeder! She's just perfect!
Seven X Kopper litter 2010
“Lee Ann,
Good evening, I thought you would like an update on Lucy, She is in Nevada with on a job site and is fitting in great. She has been hunting this year and did great she is a very good bird dog. She has the EYE for down birds. Lucy and Hunter are going to a big hunt in Hays Ks. in Dec. there are going to be 15 hunters and we are going to be the only dogs it should be a lot of fun for all.
Thanks for everything I will send a photo of Hunter later.
Katie x Ace 2009 litter
“Hey Lee Ann,
We thought you guys might like to see how Ayer is doing. In short..AMAZING! We have a youtube page that we update with videos of her that we started so that our family's could see her grow up. She is so amazingly smart and obedient. We just took her on her first hike. We think she was meant to play in the woods. :)
Here is our youtube site...
(link no longer works)
Best Regards,
Patrick and Lynsey”
Fancy X Kopper 2011
“Congrats to Remi and both of you for her earning her finished title!! I bet that is very exciting!
This is Linda Maxwell from Kansas. Just thought I'd check in and let you know how our Brennie is doing. (Remi/Striker 2011) I am attaching a couple recent pictures of her as well. We have been working on her obedience and retrieving, she is so smart! We took her to a group training in Mo. on Sunday. It was fun to watch the older dogs work. She did a few shorter retrieves on land and a couple on water and did really well. The trainer was impressed with her! He had nothing but good things to say about her. He gave us the name of a couple who live closer and do group training also. I haven't contacted them yet but I hope they will let us bring her over some time. We are really having fun with her. She has definitely captured our hearts:-) She is about 40 lbs now and around 19 inches tall. Is that about average for a female golden at six months? You ask last spring and I didn't reply(sorry) but sure you can use our pictures and emails.
Good luck on any other competitions your dogs are in this summer. Wish we were closer as we would love to watch. Hopefully we can find some closer to home to go to.
Linda & Greg
Whiting, KS”
(Remi/Striker 2011)
“Greetings from Eagan, MN Heldt family! :) We thought we would share the latest picture of MAX taken in our home! We think he's beautiful, great markings! He is incredible!! Very intelligent! Really observant! Max has a good nose, is a water fanatic, and loves to retrieve! My son and I will be hunting with him on our 200 acre farm this fall, can't wait! They are great pals! He continue to make referals to you, hope they work out. :)
Thanks again!
Marg X Kopper 2009 Litter
“Hello Lee Ann!
Just wanted to check in and share a couple pictures of Lanai. She is doing wonderful and is an absolute sweet heart. She is such a great addition to our family. Everyone that meets her is so amazed at how smart she is, how well she minds and how much she just likes to be loved.
She is such a beautiful, great dog, we couldn't be happier!
Thanks Again and we will keep in touch!
Tiffini and Family”
Fiona X Ace 2010 Litter
“Lee Ann,
I was taking a look at your website and enjoying the pictures. We bought a pup from you back in November 2006 and named him Winston. He was born to Terrell X Kick on 9/11/2006. He's been a joy to the household for over 4 years now. Our other older golden, Dexter, passed away February 14th and Winston has become the "Lone Dog" in the house. He and the cat still are the best of friends even though they have quit chasing each other through our little house. Winston came to us at a busy time in our lives so he didn't get much formal hunting training, but we soon found out he is a natural at it. Attached is a picture of him and Karl with a bird they got this last pheasant season.
Kick X Terrell 2006 Litter