Congratulations to Bill and Sky on earning their SHR title at Norfolk, NE.  Sky is a Roxie X Amos pup.

“Hey Lee Ann,

I thought I would let you know, Sky got her started title in Norfolk.  Feel free to use the photo, if you want.  Also, she's on our Facebook page at  Thanks


SHR Goldstike Rocky Mountain TY.    Congratulations to Ty on his Started Title!

“Lee Ann

Well it’s been almost a year now since Fay brought Ty home and it’s been quite a year at that. He has been such a good puppy we can’t believe it. He is very smart, easy to train and a real character (at 70#’s, he thinks he's a lap dog).  My only problem with him is that he is 100% - full out- pedal to the medal - let’s go, when it comes to hunting and retrieving, and that is not a complaint!!  On his first upland hunt, at 6 months old, he kept up with my 3 year old Golden all day, he wasn’t too sure what he was up to at times, but he kept up none the less.  As a young dog he still has some maturing to do, but at 9 months he had 2 straight passes at your Plattevalley HRC hunt test in August, and he followed up with 2 more straight passes at our Land of Lakes hunt test in September.  So at 10 months old, he is chip off the Striker block, and is now SHR Goldstike Rocky Mountain TY.”

Mitch & Fay – Lino Lakes, MN

Another win by "Lani"  Hunter's Goldstrike Love over Gold with Lani holding her new ribbons.  She looks so proud holding her new show ribbon! 


Marg X Kopper  litter 3-16-09

Box Springs Georgia

“Just thought I better get this out to you as I passed my firsthe boss proud --check him out getting the ribbon for me.  The weather was nice for me, as it was cool and raining off and on.  I like that better than the hot days...

Any way, this is the last one for a while as I guess we have to hit the training real hard.  The Boss says he is going to put me in one of the National Field trials for 2 years and under.  That one is big competition, and only a couple of winners... 1st and 2nd I think is what he told me.  So I have to really get after it.  The hunt tests I just have to meet a set standard, but in the Field trials I have to beat the other dogs, or go home empty handed.

Well got to go the boss is about to wake up and I have to get back to my kennel.

Love Chief”      Owed by Noel and Yvette in Johnstown, Colorado

“Hi everyone,

Well This was a fun weekend but a hard one....I Did a great job on Sat and passed even though the water retrieve was tough in all the reeds.  then on Not much sleep getting up at 3 am to get there and then home at 10 pm.  then they got me up at 4 to go to the next day Sun--test.  I was tired.

But never the less I had no problems with the morning session which I sent a pict of--they tried to fool me with those decoys again--but I figured that out now and got the real thing.    So they gave magnum and me a treat as you will see in the second picture---A hot tub--wow--at 95 degrees and they filled it with cool water --it was great.....

Then as you will see in the third picture the Boss brings in a snake to teach me about them---let me tell you they are not to play with.  They coil up and bit---and that hurt---O.K.. I know it was only a bull snake and it was not poison but it sure scared me and you can not drag me near those things ever again...Magnum knew about them and he forgot to tell me up front...maybe he was being mean--he could have told me....I guess it was good for me to learn so I don't get bit someday by a rattler but it was scary for a little guy...I am still only 15 months old you know.

Then they wanted me to go do the land retrieve--So I asked if Keagan could go out with me for good luck--She did and I nailed the land with blazing speed--the dust was flying....well there might have been one of those snakes in the way...

I passed for the second day and got two ribbons --Now I have 3--and the next one I pass I get a title with HRC-- Hunter Retriever Club of America.  Then I move on to the next level.....can't wait....I guess the bosses love me--just take a look at the last picture they look happy with me....

Yep extra treats for me....Yea---

Well I better go now as I have to start work on double retrieves today....that means I have to start remembering where the first one fell while getting the second.....

Love to you and your puppies too

Since this picture, Chief has gone on to accomplish his Started Title at Panhandle 2010.  The bottom picture at the left is Yvette getting the traditional cup of water for Chief earning the Started Hunting Retriever title!”

“Hi Lee Ann,
Haven't updated you in a while.  A couple weeks after Luke's surgery my daughter had her baby 5 weeks early.  All are doing well.  He's just precious. Luke is doing great with the baby, albeit a little jealous of not being the "only child".   (Pacifiers are kept on the top closet shelf!!)    He recovered perfectly and went on his first solo pheasant hunt with my husband this morning. Wyndham was raving about his ability.  He found the birds (they shot 14), and he retrieved them straight to his hand.  A few were as far as 200 yards away. He was fantastic! ...(and quite proud of himself).   Just wanted to let you know. You breed some great dogs.”  

Thanks.  Jeanie    Burlington MA

Marg X Kopper litter   6-16-09

“Here is a good picture of Kopper, Jr.   He is one year old today.”

Robert   Livingston Texas

Brandy X Kopper Lltter 3-1-09

“Hi Lee Ann! Just wanted to drop you a quick line and give you an update on Vixen. She finally seems to have figured out the second half of the housebreaking equation (you DON'T potty inside). She got the first half (you DO potty outside) a long time ago, but had some difficulty figuring out the rest. Anyway, we get along lots better now that she's not peeing inside.

She started her new job last week. It's a tough one- she has to come to work with me, look cute and be friendly all day long. It wears her out pretty good and she's sacked out by around 2:00 in the afternoon. She is already well-loved on the ward by both patients and staff, and her future as a therapy dog has been firmly secured. I'm lucky to work on a ward that has it's own fenced yard, so she can go out and run off the lead for about 15 minutes a couple times a day too. She's only working a couple days a week right now, because she gets so tired. Her schedule will probably increase as she gets older and gets a bit more stamina.

She also started her hunting retriever training last week. She's the only golden in the class, as well as the youngest student. I catch a lot of flack from the guys, both for being a female trainer and for having a "fur ball" as a puppy. I like to point out how she stays warm in her fur while all the labs are sitting there shivering from the cold! She's doing well with her training, although her age is still somewhat of a hurdle. When she's at work, she'll heel off the lead. When we're in training class, she loses her mind and can't think straight because of all the other dogs and being near the lake in the brush. Sometimes she looks like a cat at the end of her lead, jumping and running like a wild animal. However, she can sit, stay for short periods, and retrieves well at short distances. I think secretly all the other trainers are jealous. :)

Vixen and Pete are the best of friends. They seem to share the alpha position in the house and have their own doggy games they've developed in the back yard. Shadow (my 12 year old mutt) isn't very happy with her though. Vixen wants Shadow to act like her momma, and Shadow isn't having any of it. They've come to a very tolerable agreement in the house, but outside Vixen drives Shadow crazy and Shadow gets very angry with her. Sometimes we let Shadow stay inside alone during the day so she can have a break.

That pretty much sums up her progress thus far. She's a very cool little girl and we're glad to have her. Faron even says he may decide to be a golden lover too! 

We'll keep you updated as her training progresses. Hope all is well with you!”

Michelle & Faron  Pueble Colorado

Remi X Striker litter  10-25-09

“Wanted to give you an update on Charlie (Brandy x Kopper 3-1-09).  The one thing he has reminded me is, I like dogs better than puppies! Actually, he has been a pretty good pup, just real full of energy!  Fortunately, due to the economy, I have had a lot of time to work with him.  We spent most of the Fall learning to be a gun dog.  A buddy of mine also lost his bird dog (a lab), last year .  His new pup is ten days older than Charlie and that made it fun .  We went to Steel Creek Ranch three times to get the pups aware of what the plan was.  It was amazing how fast they picked up.   The first day we took the dogs out individually to a planted pheasant.  Instinctively, they both got it!  They did four birds apiece and would have done more!  The third time we went was more of a simulated hunt.  The boys did well except for a little tussle over who got to retrieve one of the birds. (They finally shared) . Wish I had a picture.

 Anyway, we got twelve days in Kansas.  Several different trips. Charlie did great! (Amazing what good breeding and lots of time can do.)  We saw a ton of birds, shot our fair share, and many were retrieved by a young pup! My cousin ( a farmer who accepts a dog only if it works and preferably stays outside) made the ultimate compliment. “Why don’t  you just leave Charlie here, he stays on his bed and Deb wouldn’t mind”!

 The last couple of months he is just getting spoiled by Mom and waiting to go camping.  He liked it last summer, He’ll love it this year!

 Thanks for breeding a fine pup!”

Steve                  Colorado Springs Colorado

Brandy X Kopper  litter  3-1-09


“Hi Lee Ann

Sorry I haven't been in touch since we got Ripley home.  We've had a whirlwind time.  When we picked her up I was 6 weeks pregnant with our first now I'm within 10 days of my due date.  We are very excited!  As for Ripley, she has been busy as well. She just came home this week from my parents (Sunnyhill Kennels) who have been training her since mid June.  She earned her started title last weekend in Lake Charles LA.  It was a breeze for her. She passed all four tests in two back to back weekends.  She went on a dove hunt opening weekend and retrieved about 30 birds over labor day - Phillip enjoyed her so much on that hunt and is looking forward to duck hunts this winter.  We hope to run her in seasoned tests in the spring.  Her formal name is Morgan's Cosmic Storm Ripley in case you see her title annoncement in the magazine. I will send you a few photos (in following emails cant attach to this one) of her training and will have to get some taken of her with her ribbons and send along as well.  We just love her and look forward to her and our baby girl growing up together!”

 Phillip & Christy     Madison, Mississippi Bridgett X Striker  litter   December 2008             CONGRATULATIONS ON RIPLEY'S STARTED TITLE

“You should have been there, 

What a trip this was.  The boss said it would be fun but I didn't think it would be all of this.   First we go Moose hunting and are those things big.  It snowed on us up to my belly almost and that was so much fun to play in.  then they would go off and leave magnum and me alone but in separate kennels.  That was o.k. cause they came back and we would play again....Then we went antelope hunting and then back moose hunting and we got everything.  the antelope is really small compared to the moose.   

But then we took off for N. Dakota and my first pheasant hunt.  It seemed like we would never get there but we took the camper and that is fun.  Plus we took a friend named Cody.  He is a golden also.  He loves to play and run with me.  Magnum and he seem to get along but not with me.  what is wrong with Magnum.....????   Anyway, we get there and guess what it gets real cold with 30 mile per hour winds....I have never seen it get so cold.....but it snowed again and that next morning we went on my first Pheasant hunt.  We walked into an area with tall grass and I saw some cows to go check out.  On the way to the cows there was this wire running over my head and it wasn't very tall so I thought I could jump it.   Not a good idea as I landed on it and it was electric.  Well I got stuck on that thing and it sure bit me a whole bunch of times.    I yelled for help and the boss came to my rescue.  Then the farmers dog came out and decided I should not be there either.  He proceeded to kick my butt.  Now the Boss has to rescue me again...I am starting to think this hunting is for the birds.  

 The pheasants flew and we shot but missed there.   The next field was more exciting and then we started to shoot and knock them down and magnum and Cody went to find them.   well it didn't take me long to get the hang of this.  I can run just as fast and get them.   we had to track one and magnum helped me learn how to do that.   Then I flushed my own bird and wow was that a scary thing.  this pheasant gets up right by your nose and fly's up.  the Boss shot it and I was right on that thing.   I was so proud ---take a look at my picture.....Then Magnum locks up on a point and the boss says whoa and he walks up and up one was that fun --I will have to practice that some I think....

 Well it snowed and rained every day almost but we got our limit of pheasants and some Hungarian partridge.  They are smaller and fly really fast.  You should have seem Yvette shoot she was right on them and got a double the first day.  I took a picture with every one so you could see.   

We didn't hunt South Dakota as the crops are still in and it rained too much to get to the farm with the camper.   They say we will do it later....I can't wait.....o by the way I don't get to play when hunting they are serious about that stuff.....

 check out the picts and will up date you more later...

Love Chief”

Owned by Noel and Yvette   Johnstown Coloradoa   10.19.09

Fiona X Ace  litter   2-19.09

“We have piper born 8/19/07 (strikerxstarr), she was the last one of the litter:) Piper has been an incredible addition to our family! She is a snuggler, obsessed with tennis balls, enjoys backpacking, loves the snow, and will befriend anyone. Piper is also a great running companion. We try to take her on all of our trips, she does a great job in the car. She loves to cuddle during movies and we are sure she will be wonderful when we have children! You are doing an excellent job and we would not hesitate to go through you again. She may need a playmate sometime (although she has lots of friends at camp bow wow).       Tera and Rob”

“I got a puppy from you named Lady in February of 2007- from Brandy and Ace. She has been the joy of our life and we just adore her. She is an amazing athelete and her retrieving skills are unbelievable! I think we are ready for Lady to have a sister this Christmas and really wanted a Puppy from her Dad Ace. I noticed on your website that you have a planned litter for around Thanksgiving from Ace and Starr- I just wanted to let you know we are very interested in a Female from this Litter. I would really appreciate if you could update me on the status of the puppies from Ace and Starr.        Anna”

“Hi, the whirling dervish is not slowing down but is working very well in the field. Sad to say the grouse are not cooperating by hanging around but she tries and is casting with little or no direction. Happy bird day Karen &

Larry Root

Her second sage grouse hunt. she "flushed" 3 jackrabbits and one antelope. the grouse were out of town. best,


“Dear Lee Ann,

Thanks for asking!  We named the puppy Kuna, which is ancient Greek for "dog." She was spayed at 6 months; the vet checked for a hernia and didn't find one. Her health has been good.

Kuna has be a delightful addition to the family. Smart, stubborn, cooperative, energetic, quick to learn. We got her because the 10 year old twin girls wanted a dog. We figured their interest would last a week or so, then the adults would have to take over.  We were wrong. Ten months on kids do all the dog chores themselves, and she's turned into their best pal -- as you can see from the attached pics (which you're welcome to use on your web site).”

Greg Kane                       Brandy X Ace   12/30/06


“Hi there,

I thought I'd give you an update on our "puppy" Lander. : ) He is growing so fast and has truly become part of the family. He pretty much has the freedom to roam about the house now, and except for a few times when he chewed on what he shouldn't have, he has done very well. He LOVES to go outside, and to play with us kids and in the snow, and he also loves to play with his training dummy. He definitely is a retriever, and will bring anything from frisbees to balls to hunting dummies for somebody to play with.

(Not to mention shoes!) He doesn't chew the shoes though, he just carries them around!  He has been a great little guy to have, and we all look forward to having him for lots more years to come!

Trues family”

Gabby X Hunter 9/14/06



“Lee Ann,
Rocky and Makena continue to be our greatest source of joy! They both continue to grow, Rocky is now 30lbs and Makena 20lbs. He is filling out and she is getting tall! Rocky is starting to get some adult hair. Although, he is by far the softer haired dog.
 Makena and I started obedience classes together last week.... as she has developed a reputation for looking around, ignoring or running in the opposite direction when called. We have not ruled out hearing problems, but want to take a very positive, pro active approach before any testing. She is learning her name (as the trainer thought she might think her name is Rocky!) and the command "watch me"~ she is such a busy girl that she is not paying attention a good part of the time, too busy exploring the world. The trainer is using the clicker method, which is new to me, but seems to work well. I am using the same lessons at home with Rocky. He is clearly more interested in learning and pleasing at this point.... the good news is that Makena will follow Rocky, so when Rocky is listening we do just fine! 
I have started puppy massage with both of them, Rocky is much more cuddly right now and has really taken to it.... which is perfect as we do a massage after every meal while we are waiting for (stopping Rocky from eating) Makena to finish eating.
 Makena has gotten braver and will go out and play in/eat the snow! She is also the one who gets wetter and dirtier when they go outside. (Partly due to playing on her back so much.) They have both tolerated taking showers... which sometime she has to have a shower upon entering the house---- unfortunately our house has white carpet~!!! Yikes!  
Rocky is getting neutered on Wednesday and Makena is getting spayed on the 23rd. We have decided to start kenneling them separately... partly so they can get their rest after surgery. I am going to get an additional large kennel and put them side by side.... we will see how that goes as I plan to start that this weekend. I know Rocky will like having his own space sometimes as she likes to "attack" him when they kennel up. I am not looking forward to either surgery at all---I just don't want them to experience any fear or pain.
 Makena still has her bounce! She really is a Mama's girl.... very interested in where I am, and then back to her favorite spot on the stairs to chew on a toy. Every once in a while I steal away a quiet moment with her to pet & love. She is a stubborn and ticklish girl..... and I think very bright. She is also the braver of the two... she thinks the vacuum cleaner is her friend.... she turns on the Roomba all the time. 
Rocky is our laid back, garbage loving, try to turn anything into a toy boy. We have to keep the bathroom doors closed as he loves kleenex. He has learned how to unroll the toilet paper-- such fun! Rocky is afraid of the vacuum, but brings out the big dog bark to scare away dear! He is really lovey at this age.
 They have a large vocabulary: come, sit, down (Rocky does that), upstairs, downstairs, outside, OFF, good girl/good boy, settle down, kennel up, watch me (we are learning) and I think they understand water and food.
 Jeff's travel schedule is out of control... so the pups (& I) miss him. He is in NYC right now... I know we will all be very excited when he returns on Tuesday--- I am ready to get back to work myself. I plan to hire a neighbor kid to come over & let them out to go potty in the afternoons. I haven't found anything yet, but may have to commute to Denver :-( to stay within my field and have a similar income to what I had in Seattle. If I am really lucky I will find a great job and Jeff could be a full time basketball official and Doggy Dad! We will keep our fingers crossed, I would love to support our little family and allow Jeff to have a bit of a sabbatical after 20+ years of always working!
Rebecca Kent”                      
Gabby X Hunter  9/14/06

“Hi Lee Ann,

We've never met, but I had one of the pups sired by Hunter from dam Berni - (not owned by you).  She was from the first litter born April 5, 2003.

I thought that you might want to know that she passed away on April 14, 2008.

She was the best dog I've ever had and was truly my heart dog. I loved her so much.

I'm attaching a picture so that you can see another example of what beautiful kids Hunter has sired.

Sherri Rosedahl”                 
More on TIKI

We are very sorry about your loss. Thank you for sharing your loving bond with Tiki. We are so proud of Hunter as well as all his pups.

“Lee Ann,

I have not given you an update on Kopper, Jr. in a while.

 I took him dove hunting last week.  Unfortunately the dove were not flying very good.  I only shot three, but Kopper got all three – sort of (he just barked at one of the dove – I never quite figured out why he did that).  He was very well behaved for a 6 to 7 month old puppy.  I was surprised how well he stayed with me and behaved.   There was not enough action for him to get a good feel for what it was all about, but he is not one bit gun shy.  One big thing he learned was how to jump in the back of my truck.  Until this weekend, I had to lift him up in the truck.  For whatever reason he just started getting in on his own – that was a relief because I was getting tired of lifting him.  He is probably about 60 pounds now.

 That is about it.  Hopefully the hunting will be better next time.”

Robert    Livingston, Texas   9.22.09

Brandy X Kopper Lltter 3-1-09

“Hi, LeeAnn – it’s been awhile since I have sent you pictures of Tucker – he’s from the litter of Ace and Katie, born 3/16/09 – so I thought I’d send a couple of recent photos.  He continues to be a joy and absolutely loves the snow!  When we had our big storm a couple of weeks ago, he was so excited about it he couldn’t sleep and just had to go out in it and play at 3am!  He was just beside himself.  The one picture shows him cross country skiing with us and the second picture shows him playing with a ghoulie at Halloween J  He’s doing great – I hope you enjoy the pictures.  Take care.


“Hi, Lee Ann – happy new year to you!  I hope you had a fun and safe holiday.  I thought you may enjoy a couple of pictures of Tucker (3/16/09) – both my husband and I enjoy cross-country skiing, so we thought we would include Tucker in our activity.  It’s called skijoring and it’s a combination of sled dog and skiing….and Tucker just loves it.  The first time we put the harness on him, it was as if he already knew what was coming.  We then took him to the snow and it was truly amazing how he took to it so fast.  Now every time we take the harness out, he knows exactly what’s in his future!  These pictures are at Lake Granby near Grand Lake just last week.  Enjoy

Gayla”  1-05-10

“Lee Ann

I just wanted to send you a picture of Jack. As you know, he will be 2 years old this Christmas Eve.  He is the “Greatest” dog!  I have had him out in the field and he definitely needs more training for control, but his nose is exceptional.  He is an extremely fast runner.  I have never had a dog that could pick up scent as well as him.  Of course, his first love is chasing foxes; we have dozens in our neighborhood.  He is always my hiking companion, and no matter the altitude (Jack has four 14’ers under his collar) or weather, he is super tough!  He can be very aggressive – not in a bad way.  He is always the alpha dog, he is always the first one to get attention, he can be very mischievous – if it is white, it is in his mouth and gone.  Jack and I are the perfect fit for each other.  We were doing some cross country skiing the day that I took this picture.  Jack weighs about 90 pounds now and is taller than any Golden he has been next too.  Wish you and your family the very best Thanksgiving.”

Patrick      Sammie X Striker

“Leeann!  We hope and pray that you and your family weren't adversely effected by the tornado.  We've been meaning to send you some pictures of Zeke for awhile now.

It's so hard to believe Zeke is 9 months already!  He is doing very well and starting to calm down a little bit. :) He has always had such a wonderful disposition and just continues to mature in that.  It's wonderful, we have lots of friends with kids that love to play with him, and he is always so gentle, thankfully they all don't seem mind getting some kisses!!!  We also try and take Zeke to the dog park every weekend.  In typical golden style he'll meet all the people first before he goes and plays with the dogs.  We also were able to install an invisible fence recently, and he learns so fast, he's done great with it!

 We've attached some pictures.”

 Brian and Becca Kephart  5-27-08

“Harley received his summer cut this week so we thought we would add some pictures. In a couple weeks we will be heading to Pinedale, so with his new cut he is ready to do some swimming in Fremont Lake.  Harley lives for that!”  Karen Rossetti  6-19-08

“Hi Lee Ann,
I thought you may like an update on Frankie.  She is doing great I am so glad I got her. We love her. Thank youI sent some pictures to show her new life.
Julie Hodson”

“Hi April and Family!
We just wanted to let you know how much we love our new dog from Abbie and Bailey's litter. We named him Cosmic Charlie. He adjusted much easier than expected to his new home. He has only had a few accidents and he already loves his kennel! We have been working on training him on the leash and he can already sit on command, he can also swim already. He has a lot of friends and he plays with his sister Madison all the time. We attached some pictures so you could see his progress (there are also a few of him and Madison).
Christy and Matt”

“Lee Ann and Dave,

Merry Christmas! Just wanted to send you few pictures of Riley and let you see what a beautiful dog he's getting to be. He's certainly become a huge part of our family and of course is spoiled rotten. We've had a few rough moments trying to get through puppy hood but we're beginning to think we'll all make it. He's actually becoming pretty well behaved and we can't wait to get him out hunting birds. We're thinking of getting him some professional training and appreciate any advice or names you could give us. The latest pictures (If you can't tell) are of him having fun in the snow that we were just blessed with. There's also one of him after he was done having fun. So hope you enjoy these and are enjoying your puppies as well. Have a great Holiday! And thank you so much for our Riley.
Mike and Teri Zoesch and family”      

Starr X Hunter 5/29/06

“I just wanted to let you know that Gabriel (litter 9/9/05 from Striker*Starr) is doing wonderful. He is in agility (about to begin intermediate classes) and has wonderful retrieving skills. I am enclosing a picture of Gabriel (9/9/05) and Buddy (Cassie*Terrell dog 9/23/02) so that you can see how your puppies are doing (Gabe is on the left). Gabriel and I will be starting agility trials in October of next year. I will let you know how he's doing!
Thank you so much for bringing me the joys of a beautiful golden puppy.

Sheri L. Anderson
I just had Gabriel's (9/9/05) hips done. They are fabulous.
Thanks for everything. He is such an angel. Sheri”

(Picture Unavailable)

“Dear Lee Ann and Dave
Thought you guys might get a kick out of this picture. Judah demands that we keep on schedule with our training in spite of the fact that we have 6" of snow on the ground and thermometer reads around 0 F. He said I'm doing pretty well, but I'm not running straight or fast enough on my long distance blinds. As I shared with you earlier, I'm not the most experienced of trainers, but Judah assures me that all the professional have got this retrieving game all backwards.
Well I've got to go, Judah is at the door yelling at me to get my bag of bumpers and hurry up about it. Are you guys sure you picked the right dog for me? You said that training was a lot of fun, but I'm tuckered out after each session. He is so demanding but I still love him.
Clayton Brown”                  
Starr X Striker 9/9/05

“Dear Lee Ann
Jan and I would be honored to have you post our pictures and letter on your website. I check in to your site quite frequently to see what's happening with you and your dogs. It looks as if you had your hands full with the two litters you just had. They sure went fast. I was real tempted to call you about a female from the Kick X Terrell litter, but I decided I had my hands full training Judah at this time, maybe sometime in the near future. I never had a female before and am not sure just what I would have to do different in order not to have a bunch of puppies before we were ready. I see Striker is really doing well in his career - congratulations! I'm sure Judah has a lot of the same potential, if his trainer was just more knowledgeable. He does real well with ducks, but seems a little intimidated with geese once he gets them to dry ground. I think it's just a matter of their weight vs his own. I'm a little afraid of pushing him too hard too fast. I haven't had to get my feet wet, he brings them up to waters edge but not to hand. I'm hoping with a little more maturity and size he will be handle them with no problem. Any suggestions? I just keep telling Judah that we are in this retrieving game together, both learning as we go. He is truly a great dog and companion, a real joy for both Jan and myself. I think he kind of likes us too. Isn't he a real looker? We would love him no matter what his appearance, but I think he is one of the best looking goldens out there. He looks so much like his dad, but his mother's dark coloring really sets off his features. Thank you so much for your professionalism and care for the breed. We think that goldens are special all others are just dogs! Just kidding. By the way we live in Worland Wy and I don't think there are any clubs near us. Hope you, Dave and the rest of your family including the four legged members all the best.
 Jan and Clayton Brown”

Congratulations to Stephanie and Benson on earning their Agility Title and First Place.  You have both worked hard!

October 2014

This is Lily, a JuJuBee X Amos pup born in August 2014.  She is ready for the Holidays. 

Owner Taryn!

CH Hunter's Gold Strike Love Over Gold, CAA, RN, CGC    Title

 Congratulations to Lani on earning her first title "Canine Good Citizen" on April 17th, 2010 owned by Michael Milligan and Anita Rabidou Milligan in Georgia! 

Congratulations to Hunter's Goldstrike Love Over Gold or "Lani "on "Reserve Best Puppy" out of 40 pups owned by Michael Milligan and  Anita Rabidou  Milligan in Georgia!  Although my dogs are not bred for show, it is obvious that they do have some show qualities.  Thanks to Anita for pointing that out to me!  Anita also plans on running Lani in HRC tests as well as many other avenues!

Thanks Anita!  I can't tell you how proud I am that you are doing all these wonderful things with her!

Lee Ann

Marg X Kopper  litter 3-16-09

Box Springs Georgia

“Most of these pictures came from the second day. We had a much better day, he did finish the course, however not under "time". Not because he was slow, but because he kept going over to the judge to say hello. The judge told me later what a energetic dog Benson was, and what a wonderfully happy guy he was. He also said this dog will have a long and successful agility career. He loves it and I love him!

 Stephanie , Brooke and Benson”

Katie X Ace  litter 5-17-08

Thanks for Sharing these pictures! Benson shows a lot of drive!

“Hi Lee Ann,

I thought I'd give you an Indy update. I bought Indy from you back in 2005, he is a Hunter x Cassie pup. He has turned into a truly wonderful dog! He is the happiest, friendliest, sweetest dog I have ever been around. And of course he is a big, strong, handsome guy as well (check out the pictures). He loves the snow, swimming, eating, and ripping apart various bird shaped toys. I couldn't have asked for a better dog! Thanks so much!


Ted     Louisville, Colorado

“Hi Lee Ann,

I thought you might want to see how Kirby was getting along. As you can see he's growing like a weed. He's got lots of energy & learning things fast. Say hi to David.”

Gary   Albuquerque NM

“Hi Lee Ann,

 I just wanted to send an email and let you know how Parker is doing.  He was a pup from Kopper and Brandy’s litter that was born last year on March 1st.  He looks a lot like both of his parents!  Parker is such a sweetheart.  He has such a nice temperament and just LOVES people and other dogs.  Parker is enjoying living in Grand Junction.  He got to see a lot of snow this winter, and it was so much fun to watch him bounce around in it.  Parker also enjoys rafting and has a little doggie life jacket that he wears.  We are actually heading out tomorrow for a day trip on the Gunnison River.  Parker loves to play fetch on land or in the water.  Doug and I love are little companion and feel so blessed to have him as a part of our family.  We look forward to getting him a little brother in a year or so and will most likely be coming to you when we are ready to do so!  J

 Thanks and I hope all is well with your family!

 Andrea and Doug

 (PS I included a couple of pictures to share.  Parker has a couple outfits that his grandparents got him for Christmas, so one is of him in his Broncos shirt!  Another is him with one of his girlfriends that he likes to play with, don’t worry, he has been neutered!)”

“Just wanted to send you a little message.  Things have been a little crazy around here with the snow and really cold weather and the holidays.  Dakota is great, what a wonderful puppy!  Training is going well and he is a very fast learner.  Joe my trainer for hunting and hunt tests are very impressed with him.  They can't believe how aggressive he is with a bird.  It seems like its all about business with him.  Friends of Joes that help them train and go to many hunt tests with their dogs worked a little with Dakota and have seen Striker run.  They gave him the nickname baby Striker because they say he has the same actions and they are very impressed on how far along he is.  Hopefully, he keeps progressing the same.  We are so happy, and by the way he loves the snow!  We will try to send pictures soon and I will try to send you Ally's pedigree today.  Thanks again.”

Ryan and Tammy             Remi X Striker litter 10-25-09

“My friend Clint, who is Sandia Dog Obedience Club's web master, is setting up a new website..Baby Benson is featured on the home page..What a cutie.

I need to have someone take pictures of him on the agility course..Clint says he'd love to display those as well. I'll keep you posted.

 Take a peek:

 Stephanie Brooke and Benson    Albuquerque NM
Katie X Ace  litter   5-17-08

“Hello, I thought you would get a kick out a photo of Hunter’s first Duck, youth season is open and Alexander killed one and Hunter did great.”

Craig     Prairie Village Kansas

Katie X Ace  5-17-08

“A picture is worth a thousand words,   Hunter and Lucy!


Craig   Prairie Village Kansas

Katie X Ace  litter  3-16-09

“Hi Lee Ann,
I was looking through all the photos on your website and thought I should send you an updated photo of Wrigley. He is just wonderful and is also obsessed with tennis balls and swimming and playing in the snow. He loves daycare (we call it "school") as much as just hanging around the house. I have finally started leaving him at home for up to 6 hours at a time and haven't had a single problem. Now, my landscaping is another issue..... I think he thinks it's his private play area and that I put the grass and trees out there for him to play with. Luckily, I have a little swimming pool out there for him too and that keeps him occupied both winter and summer! Always thinking of getting him a little brother, but just not sure I can put in the commitment again. I feel lucky that he listens to me now. Thanks again for such a great dog.”

Heidi Bauer                  Starr X Striker   9/09/05

“Lee Ann,
Wanted you to have a couple of pics of Wrigley and Addison.  They absolutely love each other.  I'm glad I made the right decision to expand the family!!” 

Heidi Bauer                   Starr X Striker  8/19/07

“Dear Lee Ann and David,
Wanted to write and wish you a happy holiday from our home to yours.
We are the proud owners of Seamus the third male pick from your May 29 litter of Hunter and Belle.  As we told you we have sold our home in Highlands Ranch and moved to our house in Winter Park area. Seamus loves the snow. He is a very smart dog and has learned several commands. He is also a very astute dog as he watches birds in the sky and picks up on the deer scents. He is almost leash free……but has his days when he picks up on a deer scent and then reminds me of a child with selective hearing. He is extremely fast and has a beautiful coat. He is also spoiled as can be as we work out of our home so he isn’t left alone for long.

Lee Ann said she always wonders how the puppies are doing so we thought we would check in with you.
Warmest Regards
Karen, Dave and Seamus”               Belle X Hunter   5/29/06

“Lee Ann,
On the 18th of November we bought a puppy from you (Terrell X Kick born 9/11/06) and I just wanted to let you know how he's doing and to send you a couple of pictures of him. First, on the way home from Windsor we must have gone through a couple of dozen names for him and finally decided that Winston suited him. Even though he was very young I felt there was something special and regal about him and thought he deserved a good strong name. The first picture of Winston is with our other golden retriever, Dexter. This was Winston's first hunting trip with us on November 20th, 2 days after we picked him up. I've titled the picture 'Hunting in the Shadow of Dexter'. Dexter is now 9 years old and trying to tolerate a puppy in his domain, both home and field. Dexter seems to want to play with him, but when Winston jumps up in his face and won't leave him alone it aggravates him and he snaps at the puppy. I wish Winston and our cat Gumbo didn't get along quite as well as they do. They have already knocked over several pieces of furniture playing chase in the house. So far nothing has been broken. Winston has a sneaky side, when no one is watching he thinks he's a couch potato. We have found him sleeping on the couch several times. Winston is extremely bright and already sits and stays (most of the time) on command and is doing well on a leash at 13 weeks old. I take him out every day at lunch on his leash to get him use to walking next to me. He likes to visit with the neighborhood Bouvier and St. Bernard on his walks. We have already started his training for hunting because he seems ready. He is marking his training dummies when thrown for him. One of my Husband's friends, who use to train field trial dogs, was very excited to see how well Winston marked and went after the training dummies at 10 weeks old and the fact that he returns them, even with the pheasant wings attached, it just astounded him. However when Winston gets bored, like most youngsters, he wanders off and we have to track him down to get the dummy away from him. He's been to our vet a couple of times. The technician there loves his 'Mohawk'; it's what you called his cow lick. The second picture was taken yesterday December 17th west of Spinney Mountain Reservoir. There are properties leased by the DOW up there and we like to take the dogs up there to run and to train. Winston was a little leery of the great mountain outdoors and when I took this picture he was watching Dexter run out in the field. He's been a great addition to our family and we are looking forward to many years with him as a hunting partner as well as a family pet.
Leslie Licis”

“Hi Lee Ann
I'd thought I would drop you a line and some pictures to let you know Indy is doing great. He is growing like a weed, I can barely pick him up. He eats with almost a piggish gusto. I took him to the Vet at the end of October for his shots and he weighed in at 24lbs. He's very active, he's a notorious sock stealer. He is tall enough now to put his feet up on counter tops, tables etc to see what's up there. We, of course, are discouraging this little behavior. He loves going to his puppy obedience classes and he is doing quite well. He is a smart dog. We're having great fun playing with him and all of his squeaky toys. I'm seeing some flashes of retriever ability but we need to keep working on that. Do have any suggestions to develop his retriever skills? I want to make sure that we can play ball or Frisbee reliably to get him exercise and besides I really enjoy playing ball with dogs. 
11/15/05 Cassie X Hunter Pup Born 7/19/05

“Dear  Lee Ann,
Hello! We thought that you and Dave might enjoy some pics of our puppy, Judah. He is out of the Striker X Starr litter you had in 2005. What a difference a year makes. Judah was just a small arm load when we brought him home and now look at him. He has been a real joy. He has always been eager to learn and he is very trainable. I just wish that I was a more competent trainer. If we had a hunting retriever club in our area, I'm sure that Judah would be well on his way to titling. We had a little trouble early in the season changing over from bumpers to birds, but as you can see by the pictures, he is catching on. He made a 70 yard open water retrieve on one of these geese. I was very proud of him. We hope you enjoy the pictures of our handsome boy!
Clayton Brown”

“Hi Lee Ann,

Our dog Riley (Sammie x Hunter) is nearly 2 years old now! My how time flies. He just gets sweeter every day. He is obsessed with tennis balls (fetching all day long) and loves to swim and run. We continually are amazed by his behavior (he has never eaten or destroyed anything) and desire to learn.

We have attached a few pictures of Riley (one is on a lake in Canada where he spent the summer, and the other was on a hike outside of Boulder).

We saw that Sammie x Hunter are having puppies again! They will be good ones, that is for sure.

I will be driving by Ft. Collins on Thursday and Friday, if you are going to be around perhaps Riley and I could stop in for a visit?

Thanks and a Happy New Year!

Webb & Melissa Embry”

“Dear Lee Ann,
I have been meaning to write you and let you know how we are getting along with our puppy, but as you know (I am sure), puppies can take up a lot of time and energy so I have been slow in getting to it.  We are just madly in love with this little guy, even if he is a terrorist!  We named him Striker's Lucky Star after Dad, Striker and Mom, Starr.  He is called Luke, meaning "bringer of light" but most of the time Lukey. He is getting so big...can't believe it has just been 4 weeks since we got him.  I am attaching an early picture as well as some recent pictures.  It seems like he is a little bigger (and stronger, and faster, and more mischievous) every day.  We take him on walks with us and he absolutely loves being out with the "big dogs" and playing in the deep snow.  He is smart as a whip too (do all new puppy moms tell you that?)...he already knows sit and come (though we're not always 100% successful).  We're not housetrained yet, but we're about 95% successful in getting him out in time...he seemed to get that idea from the beginning, but we don't always see the signals in time :-)  We've been working on "no bite" but that isn't getting through real well...perils of a puppy, I'm afraid...but the spray bottle is working well with him so the furniture and rugs are still intact.

The older dogs had their knickers in a knot when we brought him home and it became evident he wasn't leaving.  Ranger (11 and a half) has not come around and I doubt he will...he's a retired dog and thinks he's entitled to some peace and quiet.  Luke seems to understand his cautions and steers clear of "Grumpy".  Abbey (8) was a bit torqued at first but she has come around and they seem to enjoy wrestling and playing "bitey face".  Luke doesn't seem to understand (or respect) her cautions so we sometimes have to break them up just to give her some peace.  He has finally breached the sacred "Abbey couch" so that has her a bit concerned...though I am not sure he knows yet how he has done it.
I see by your web site that most of these wonderful puppies have been placed...hope everyone is as thrilled as we are with our new family member.  He's such fun now, I hope I can say the same to you in three months after he takes his toll on shoes and furniture.  Oh well, been there, done that and we are still alive, so I guess we'll survive this one.

All the best,
12/03/05 Starr X Striker Pup Born 9/9/05

“Dave is kidding that they get along. Cosmo is a very nice cat and hasn't let Cassie have her way yet. Cassie of course thinks the world is her toy box. She is doing well, getting used to some grooming and doing well with house breaking. She has gotten sent to her room a few times though. She is much loved.”

Barb and Dave                                 Gabby X Hunter Pup Born 12/02/04

“Just a quick update on Deuce. He is doing just great, about 85% house broken, sits, comes and goes to his kennel, etc. He understands "no bite" but chooses to forget you told him in a minute or so. He and our six year old lab are having a great time - still trying to establish "alpha dog". He is definitely an outdoor dog - loves to run and play out in the field, finding all kinds of sticks and twigs to chew and carry. We are so glad we got him.
Thanks Lou” Gabby X Hunter Pup Born 12/02/04

“Hunter X Misty Litter (A litter that was sired by Hunter)
Lee Ann
Thanks for the email. I'm glad that Tania got in touch with you, and she provided me with your email address. First I would like to say what a great dog I have. I think, no I know that Tania and her family did an absolute magnificent job in raising and socializing the pups. Reggie, that's my little boy, is so able to adapt to new situations and learn - it's incredible. I would also like to say that without a shadow of doubt the pedigree of both the mother and father was obviously first class. From now on I will never ever buy a dog that does not have a proven working background in its linage. I think for my line of work it's absolutely essential. As Tania probably told you Reggie is a working search and Rescue dog in Chile at a place called Portillo (He's actually the only Avalance Search and Rescue Dog in Chile). You can check their web page out at We are coming to the end of our second full season working here. Coupled with a winter season in Southern Colorado in Silveton, Reggie is definitely a dog that likes snow. Reggie's progression has been impressive to say the least. Luckily for everyone we haven't had to perform a real rescue, however we have performed countless practice ones. He is comfortable in helicopters, snow mobiles, and snow cats and is not scarred to ride lifts. Like I said he is pretty impressive. Last year I took him to Snowmass at Aspen and did a practice rescue in unison with their working dogs. I think the patrol there were impressed as well. Anyway I have attached a couple of photo's and by all means I would love it if you published them on your web page. All the best and thanks for doing such an incredible job with your own dogs.
Mark and Reggi”

(Picture Unavailable)

“Hi Lee Ann!
I know it's been a long time since I last wrote or sent a picture of Riley (Hunter x Sammie), but I thought that you would like to hear how well he is doing. We think that he really looks like Sammie, very light in color and only about 55-6o lbs. He has a great temperament, loves to hike, do tricks, and hang out with us. We get SO many complements on him, and he is a true joy to be around!!  I have attached a picture of Riley's best buddy, Moose. He is our friends dog and they play together. They must know they are both Goldens. In the picture Riley is on the right.
Hope all is well with you. Thanks again!!!
We love Riley!
Sammie X Hunter Pup Born 2/7/04

It has been a while since I had talked to you. I got to thinking about it when I was telling a friend about your dogs. I think she is going to contact you. She has a golden now, but wants to get another one. My daughter sent me a picture of her puppy, and I thought I would forward it on to you. This is Daisy. She was born in February from the Sammie X Hunter litter. She is wonderful with their baby. All our pups are doing great. Our puppy, Jake looks a lot like Hunter. He is very gentle and calm. he is a real gentleman. I will try to get a picture to you soon.
Talk to you soon.
Sylvia Cassie X Hunter Pup Born 12/6/04

“Here is one of the pups that Stephanie (Sylvia and Will Rosenbach's daughter) got from me. This picture was just too cute not to put out on the website. Her name is Ruby and she is about 9 weeks old in this picture.”

Cassie X Hunter Pup Born 12/6/03