Kennel Rules and Regulations

Please email ahead for an appointment!

Appointments can be scheduled for other than Saturday. If you are more than 10 minutes late, we would appreciate a call. Our time is valuable as it takes a lot of time to take care of all of our precious dogs and puppies.

Employees Only in the Kennel area!

No child should be left unattended with a puppy! No dropping, hitting, or kicking of puppies or dogs is allowed or parents/guardians will be held responsible!

Children are expected to be sitting when holding a puppy during picks or any other visit.

Puppies will not be allowed to be held before six weeks of age in most cases.

You can make an appointment to visit the facility if you are serious about putting down a deposit. (Please email to schedule an appointment)

After you have placed a deposit on a pup, you will be expected to make your pick at eight weeks of age. Picks will be made in order of deposit received unless the pup is going to a hunt test home!  Hunt test prospective pups will have priority picks. Remember, if you are the first pick, the second pick is very anxious for you to make your pick, so please respect the time frame you were given. (One hour)

Pups can be picked over the internet and shipped with my help! I will provide pictures and information about the pups and, based on our discussion, recommend which ones are a good candidate for you.

We have the right to ask you to leave at any time.

If you have visited other kennels, please let us know!  We will provide a solution for sterilization before visiting our kennel.