Hunter’s Goldstrike
The ol’ guy on his bed
Hunter and young Amos on the bed
HR UH Heldt’s Mr. Hunter
Born April 1, 1999
Hunter died in 2014 at the age of 15 years and 7 months. He lived a long, good, healthy life with us. He was a true, faithful companion to the end. We truly miss him every day.
From when Hunter was a part of our Breeding Program:
“Congratulations to Hunter, and Happy Birthday! He is now almost 14 years old on April 1, 2013. He looks great and feels great at such an old age!
CONGRATULATIONS on Hunter's second Finished pass at Laramie Peak's hunt test in Douglas, Wyoming, on April 26, 2008.
CONGRATULATIONS on Hunter being ranked 7th among the top ten stud dogs in the HRC Magazine in the August and September 2008 issue for siring Hunting Retriever Champions!
He is quite the retriever and an outstanding dog! I just wish you could all meet him. Hunter loves to please and has been easy to train. He is very much a part of our household and also has received the LDX (Lap Dog Excellence) title.
We have run him in UKC tests, receiving his SHR title in 2002 with 4 passes in a row and his HR title in May of 2003. Hunter has received his first and second Finished passes toward the HRCH championship. His second pass has been a long time coming. Maybe we can still get the HRCH Championship for him.
Hunter has a great water drive and loves to retrieve! He mostly hunts upland with us and enjoys being in the house. Hunter is the son of AFC AFTCH Rosehill's Mr Speaker MS OS FDHF and Drumtochy Cuillin WX (an English outcross). He is 9 years old, the true golden color, and weighs about 90 pounds. Because of Hunter's age, we recently have had him neutered to help prolong his life span!
From the day we brought Hunter home from Missouri, we knew that he was a special dog. He has the perfect temperament; he is very excited and anxious about retrieving, but on the other hand, he is the most gentle friend you will ever know. When he jumps in your lap, he is so careful not to hurt you. He has proven to be great with kids as well, including his own, for we have kept an offspring, Striker. They are both in our household and much loved.“
Some of Striker’s Accomplishments
2002 Hunter received his SHR title with 4 passes in a row
May of 2003, Hunter receieved his HR title
April 26, 2008, Hunter Receieved his second Finished pass
August and September of 2008, Hunter was ranked 7th in the top ten stud dogs in the HRC Magazine